Thursday, April 9, 2020

Better Late than never: WiL2019

I'm afraid last year's Women in Logic was a bit a blur with too many things happening there and elsewhere in my life. Now, while looking at some other stuff (i.e. trying to write a report) I realized that I have not posted the slides of our Invited Speaker Professor Zena M. Ariola, from the University of Oregon, which I did ask for and was given immediately. oh dear, shame on me!

Here are the slides of Zena M. Ariola's talk. "The Impact of Duality" changed itself to "The interplay between Logic and Computation", which is a great title for our workshop. I found the work and the talk super interesting and inspiring. Shame there were so many things happening during those weeks and I couldn't talk more to Zena, there will be more time later on, I hope.

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